Acertus Has 57 Hubs Nationwide
Chas: Talk to me about about your facilities. Right. So how large is your vehicle storage facility? And how much of an edge does that give you over say, Ship Your Car Now, AmeriFreight you know, and others. So what kind of edge does your storage facility give?nn
nTrent : Yeah, and there’s a lot of fantastic companies out there that are in logistics, what makes a service unique is that we have gone through acquisitions and purchased a lot of different products to stitch together to our platform. So not only do we even do the middle mile, but we do the final mile. And then we’ve got to your point Chas, we’ve got 57 hubs facilities across the US and Canada. n
nSo we are, we are very wide reaching, we are in every NFL city. And then probably if you were to pick any of the while now, Pac 10, instead of Pac 12. And on, you know, we’ve got major locations at each one of these facilities. And that’s to be close to our customers and our customers’ customers. So when we’re making these final mile deliveries, when we’re doing the storage, when we’re making, you know, it’s a hub for us, think of it as hubs and a hub and spoke model. So consolidation, deconsolidation, centers and care and maintenance, we are close to the delivery. So when we take a truck, an f150 or a car, a truck across the US, it’s gonna have bugs on it. So we take it to our facility. And depending on the service that we’re providing for our customers, we can do the care and maintenance, we can do the final prep, and then we can land that on your driveway, bug free, it’s nice and clean just wouldn’t do a new car orientation. So, you know, we have 10s of 1000s of spots all all throughout the US and Canada where we’re servicing this hub and spoke modelnn
nTrent : Yeah, and there’s a lot of fantastic companies out there that are in logistics, what makes a service unique is that we have gone through acquisitions and purchased a lot of different products to stitch together to our platform. So not only do we even do the middle mile, but we do the final mile. And then we’ve got to your point Chas, we’ve got 57 hubs facilities across the US and Canada. n
nSo we are, we are very wide reaching, we are in every NFL city. And then probably if you were to pick any of the while now, Pac 10, instead of Pac 12. And on, you know, we’ve got major locations at each one of these facilities. And that’s to be close to our customers and our customers’ customers. So when we’re making these final mile deliveries, when we’re doing the storage, when we’re making, you know, it’s a hub for us, think of it as hubs and a hub and spoke model. So consolidation, deconsolidation, centers and care and maintenance, we are close to the delivery. So when we take a truck, an f150 or a car, a truck across the US, it’s gonna have bugs on it. So we take it to our facility. And depending on the service that we’re providing for our customers, we can do the care and maintenance, we can do the final prep, and then we can land that on your driveway, bug free, it’s nice and clean just wouldn’t do a new car orientation. So, you know, we have 10s of 1000s of spots all all throughout the US and Canada where we’re servicing this hub and spoke modelnn