Balancing Home Life with Career Aspirations in a Dealership
Sean : You wanted to be able to spend more time with family, right? And now there’s the other side because you also want career growth. And there’s already and most, I mean, I’m not gonna say most, but it’s a big engagement need. And there’s a lot of car sales professionals who want to get a promotion. And you know, that can really also, just that desire to want growth but maybe feel stuck. So many people feel stuck at where they’re at in their career, because they’re thinking, oh, my managers, there’s never gonna be an opening. And, you know, why don’t they see value in me? How come I can’t get a promotion? Or are they promoting someone else? And, you know, I think there’s an opportunity here, because you said something earlier that I want to revisit, you said, when I’m with a customer, nothing, I don’t think about anything else. You’re just you’re there with them in that moment. And it sounds like when you’re home with your family, you’re there with them in that moment. So I’d like for you to talk about that. And then let’s discuss a little bit about, you know, are you there? How are you staying content with your career trajectory? How’s that not messing with your mindset? Like it does so many other salespeople,n
nRolando :nTwo things for me. Choice and acceptance. Okay. I have the choice to decide how I want to also accept my current situation. Could I make it a little bit more flexible right now? Absolutely. But I’m making a choice to definitely still to dedicate my time to here I have, I’ve made a choice that this is my business. This is not where I work. I’ve accepted that this is my business. And so I want to treat my business, how I wanted to treat it now hot, not just how Wilde Honda wants it to be treated, but also how I want it to be treated. So that’s why when I dedicate my time with customers, it is extremely dedicated time because that’s my business. n
nSo I’m going to I accept that this is how my business needs to be run. So when I’m here, my family also understands that this is how I’m going to run my business for myself, and for my, for my family. My family also accepts how dedicated I am to the business that I have and how proud I am for the business that I have. When people ask me, your salesmen, absolutely. And I’m very proud of it. I’m not ashamed of it, because I know how I run my business. And I mean, and so the same thing was with my family, when I, when I want to go spend time with my family, and I make the choice to block that there is no oh, I’m going to separate my time with my family because I need to go do this. So I blocked that that is a completely separate, separate time, and I don’t allow myself to be distracted, when it’s time to be with my family, I put my phone down, and I’m with them. And then I know that my when I know that my family is needing just a little bit more as well I read them or the with between the communication, I have a very open communication with my family. And my wife or my daughter wants to go, Hey, I’d like to go do this, or I want us to just watch a movie tonight. Can you come home early, I will stop everything that I’m doing. And I say, Hey, I have an appointment coming in later this afternoon that you’re going to be here and I will pass that along. Because I’m going to dedicate my time with my family that dollar amount or that half a unit is not worth losing the time that my family is asking me for. So that’s a choice that I am making. n
nSo it is definitely playing with those divided times, respectively, because my dedication is here, but also my dedication is there. And you can easily lose that balance. Like oh, I don’t want to lose out this half deal. But what’s more important, what are you getting back? I can always try to find another card and do that full cardio for myself. But I’m not gonna get this time back. You know, I mean, my daughter is in her stage of watching the surge shows or she’s in her cuddly stage. Well, tomorrow she may not be, you know what I mean? So I’m not going to miss out on that opportunity. I’m going to go home and spend time with my family tonight tomorrow and go back on my hustle. And I’m gonna continue doing what I do day in and day out. I can always go back after that, but I can’t get that time back. Amen.nn
nRolando :nTwo things for me. Choice and acceptance. Okay. I have the choice to decide how I want to also accept my current situation. Could I make it a little bit more flexible right now? Absolutely. But I’m making a choice to definitely still to dedicate my time to here I have, I’ve made a choice that this is my business. This is not where I work. I’ve accepted that this is my business. And so I want to treat my business, how I wanted to treat it now hot, not just how Wilde Honda wants it to be treated, but also how I want it to be treated. So that’s why when I dedicate my time with customers, it is extremely dedicated time because that’s my business. n
nSo I’m going to I accept that this is how my business needs to be run. So when I’m here, my family also understands that this is how I’m going to run my business for myself, and for my, for my family. My family also accepts how dedicated I am to the business that I have and how proud I am for the business that I have. When people ask me, your salesmen, absolutely. And I’m very proud of it. I’m not ashamed of it, because I know how I run my business. And I mean, and so the same thing was with my family, when I, when I want to go spend time with my family, and I make the choice to block that there is no oh, I’m going to separate my time with my family because I need to go do this. So I blocked that that is a completely separate, separate time, and I don’t allow myself to be distracted, when it’s time to be with my family, I put my phone down, and I’m with them. And then I know that my when I know that my family is needing just a little bit more as well I read them or the with between the communication, I have a very open communication with my family. And my wife or my daughter wants to go, Hey, I’d like to go do this, or I want us to just watch a movie tonight. Can you come home early, I will stop everything that I’m doing. And I say, Hey, I have an appointment coming in later this afternoon that you’re going to be here and I will pass that along. Because I’m going to dedicate my time with my family that dollar amount or that half a unit is not worth losing the time that my family is asking me for. So that’s a choice that I am making. n
nSo it is definitely playing with those divided times, respectively, because my dedication is here, but also my dedication is there. And you can easily lose that balance. Like oh, I don’t want to lose out this half deal. But what’s more important, what are you getting back? I can always try to find another card and do that full cardio for myself. But I’m not gonna get this time back. You know, I mean, my daughter is in her stage of watching the surge shows or she’s in her cuddly stage. Well, tomorrow she may not be, you know what I mean? So I’m not going to miss out on that opportunity. I’m going to go home and spend time with my family tonight tomorrow and go back on my hustle. And I’m gonna continue doing what I do day in and day out. I can always go back after that, but I can’t get that time back. Amen.nn