Do Indies or Franchise Dealers Benefit the Most from Working with DealerOMG?
Kelly : Well, let me ask you a question. You mentioned Indies. Do you find that indies are more in need of your services? Or do you happily cater to both Indies and franchise dealers.n
nDavid : So we certainly work with both independents. The challenge that independentu2019s face is two-fold. The marketing companies that are out there, 90% of them don’t do anything that’s really designed for independents. Most of their work is designed for franchised stores, it’s a fixed budget, you have Co Op their big spends, it’s, you know, all of those advantages things. n
nWhen you design something for franchise stores, at the end of the day, you’re also really kind of designing for the OEM, you’re not even really designing for the store. So those things tend to be terrible fits for a used car store, they tend to be not great fits for used car stores, be at price, be at what they do. So for us, because we’re just really custom, we’re not really ad tech driven or mar-tech, we’re really people, you know, creating ads and creating campaigns and creating strategies, we’re able to really build something that makes sense for independent dealers, there is no one on earth that will appreciate your efforts more than an independent dealer, if you do good work for them. n
nAnd you take the time to explain to them what you’re doing and reiterate what you’re doing over time. That’s really the biggest challenge is, you know, continually explaining this is what we’re doing for you guys. This is how it works. This is what you’re feeling in the store. That’s a result of that, if you take the time to do that. I mean, it’s crazy. These guys will tell every friend they have about you. They will never leave. You know a lot of the ongoing complaints that you’ll hear from a lot of companies about working with independent dealers churn, is that they cancel a lot that they don’t stick. That’s the provider’s fault. That is not the independent dealers fault. If you do right by those independents. n
nThey are the most faithful, loyal, caring clients you’ll ever have. I mean, I have clients that date back from the second month that I worked in this industry that are our clients today, right now, because that’s been that relationship. So for me, I don’t think there’s anything more rewarding than working with independent dealers. Maybe not financially because I certainly have much bigger spends from franchise stores. But you know, on an actual, like reward of the work I’m doing it’s independents, hands down are more rewarding for me.nn
nDavid : So we certainly work with both independents. The challenge that independentu2019s face is two-fold. The marketing companies that are out there, 90% of them don’t do anything that’s really designed for independents. Most of their work is designed for franchised stores, it’s a fixed budget, you have Co Op their big spends, it’s, you know, all of those advantages things. n
nWhen you design something for franchise stores, at the end of the day, you’re also really kind of designing for the OEM, you’re not even really designing for the store. So those things tend to be terrible fits for a used car store, they tend to be not great fits for used car stores, be at price, be at what they do. So for us, because we’re just really custom, we’re not really ad tech driven or mar-tech, we’re really people, you know, creating ads and creating campaigns and creating strategies, we’re able to really build something that makes sense for independent dealers, there is no one on earth that will appreciate your efforts more than an independent dealer, if you do good work for them. n
nAnd you take the time to explain to them what you’re doing and reiterate what you’re doing over time. That’s really the biggest challenge is, you know, continually explaining this is what we’re doing for you guys. This is how it works. This is what you’re feeling in the store. That’s a result of that, if you take the time to do that. I mean, it’s crazy. These guys will tell every friend they have about you. They will never leave. You know a lot of the ongoing complaints that you’ll hear from a lot of companies about working with independent dealers churn, is that they cancel a lot that they don’t stick. That’s the provider’s fault. That is not the independent dealers fault. If you do right by those independents. n
nThey are the most faithful, loyal, caring clients you’ll ever have. I mean, I have clients that date back from the second month that I worked in this industry that are our clients today, right now, because that’s been that relationship. So for me, I don’t think there’s anything more rewarding than working with independent dealers. Maybe not financially because I certainly have much bigger spends from franchise stores. But you know, on an actual, like reward of the work I’m doing it’s independents, hands down are more rewarding for me.nn