
Does AutoiPacket Equate to a Reputation Amplification Asset for Dealerships


Speaker 1 : nConsumers who feel like they’ve been sold the right vehicle are most likely to deal those five star reviews to the dealership that sells. Would you consider iPacket somewhat of a reputation building tool as well as the tool that it is?n

nLindsay : nI mean, you can take it or whatnot. I mean, that’s a wonderful parallel, you’ve made chess. And I would like to think that, you know, reputation is sort of like the digital marketing journey, right? It takes all different players in the game to get that ball in the goal, so to speak. So I definitely think we’re part of that funnel for sure. When customers trust you, and you’re giving them full transparency, and you’re building value in that transparency there, you know, that’s the win all the way across the board. n

nPeter : nYeah, no, it is. I mean, it’s great. You know, I think about the old traditional way of getting a hold of customers calling them Chas, you put an internet lead in, I call you at nine o’clock in the morning. You know, I call again at 11 o’clock, two o’clock, you know what this merger, discouragement? Well, you know, always sink in, you know, one way or another, you know, and having iPacket sharing all that information, I mean, you’re breaking the walls down for you know, for that customer before they even get in. So, I think that’s a lot easier to communicate with the customer, knowing you’re giving them that information. Not only that, but you’re able to see exactly kind of what they’re looking at and stuff like that where you can actually communicate better what what’s more important to them, you know, with, you know, what the heatmap data that I pack it providesn nn