Evolve Studio (Baton Rouge and Mandeville LA.) Mission Statement
Chas : You guys use a different kind of mindset. And it’s having a fit mind, body and soul. So if you don’t mind, kind of walk us through that, what does that mean to you guys? n
nTayler: So, I think I’ve evolved and we want our clients to see the bigger picture, that it’s not just a one hour workout, it’s putting your lifestyle together in a way that’s bringing you to your healthiest version of yourself. And what that means for everybody is different. n
nOf course, fitness is a component, but so is nutrition. So as the mindset goes, inner-peace goes. And I think that is lost on the vast majority of the population, because they are so concerned about calories, and you know, how hard can I exercise today? So I think we just want them to feel at peace and healthy from the inside out or from top to bottom. n
nRachel: Yes, I agree. Absolutely. And I think that’s why we wanted to do Evolve – to create this space for people like Tayler said it really kind of gets lost in the fitness world in general. It’s like how far can you push your body or how many calories are burning? And that’s just not what we want to focus on. And we have honestly had to have to retrain our clients to kind of adapt that mindset and you would think like it’s, it would be second nature, but it’s not the case. So really, teaching and promoting our Evolve complete lifestyle rather than just simply coming in, getting a good workout and then going on you know about the rest of your day.n
nTayler: So, I think I’ve evolved and we want our clients to see the bigger picture, that it’s not just a one hour workout, it’s putting your lifestyle together in a way that’s bringing you to your healthiest version of yourself. And what that means for everybody is different. n
nOf course, fitness is a component, but so is nutrition. So as the mindset goes, inner-peace goes. And I think that is lost on the vast majority of the population, because they are so concerned about calories, and you know, how hard can I exercise today? So I think we just want them to feel at peace and healthy from the inside out or from top to bottom. n
nRachel: Yes, I agree. Absolutely. And I think that’s why we wanted to do Evolve – to create this space for people like Tayler said it really kind of gets lost in the fitness world in general. It’s like how far can you push your body or how many calories are burning? And that’s just not what we want to focus on. And we have honestly had to have to retrain our clients to kind of adapt that mindset and you would think like it’s, it would be second nature, but it’s not the case. So really, teaching and promoting our Evolve complete lifestyle rather than just simply coming in, getting a good workout and then going on you know about the rest of your day.n