
How Did AutoiPacket Fine Tune the Software for a Great UX


Chas : How did you work around the initial bugs that may have been, you know, glitched up? How did we get to running so smoothly for the dealers? And what, maybe what are some challenges that you had early on compromising the situation or the product that was iPacket?n

nPeter : So I can’t really speak too much about the development side, because that’s, you know, that’s not my forte, the one thing I can tell you is that things that we do do, we don’t release them into our network until we’ve actually got kinked out. So we’re not going to just send you something and say, go ahead and start using it for bugs and reporting it back to us. So that’s one of the biggest things that I like, and you know, that can deter a relationship with somebody. You could be great for years. And then you try my product and say, Pete like, I love you, man, we’re you know, we’ve been great friends for years. But you know, I can’t support this or it’s not working out, let us down. So that’s one of the great things that I truly love about iPacket is our development team will not release something to our dealer partners, until it’s been worked out.n

nChas : That’s wonderful. And, Lindsay, did you want to add anything to that? n

nLindsay : Ya I mean, just having like, you know, 25% of our staff is, you know, part of that development, like having that development and how it helps us to be very nimble helps us, you know, even if bugs do exist, or things happen, we can attack them right away super fast. There’s a very, very short turnaround time. I think, our support tickets, I think I learned this past weekend, are being answered in less than a second and like, no more than like a three second hold. It’s crazy. Like how fast and how dedicated our team is to making sure that all of our users are having a top class experience when they’re using Ipacket. It.n

nI hear dealers all the time now that I’m, you know, working with ipacket and I have a lot of friends in the industry that use iPacket, and I’m reaching out and just want to know, how’s it going? They’re like, Oh, my gosh, I think they’re, they always deliver on their promises like, literally the theme across the board. And we have an upside, you know, up times of like, 99.9%. I mean, it’s really high industry averages. n

nAnd what’s awesome is that on the flip side of that, it’s important that we’re having this uptime, like we do because customers on average, are viewing ipackets, four times, and an average of 38 minutes they’re viewing vehicle documents. I mean, that is some serious capturing right? They’re like fully totally focused in down funnel ready to, you know, take action at that point.n

nChas : Yeah, cuz, you know, you know, this society, no one does anything, not meaningful to them for 38 minutes. n

nLindsay : Right? We’re like, goldfish, right?n

nChas : We’re always all you know, this society we live in, it’s always on to the next thing and we’re victims of it too. Right. It’s like, there’s the endless scroll, they call it right. Well, yeah, we’re always on to the next best thing, the fact that you can capture your audience for over a half an hour. I mean, that’s just some stellar time spent on your product and, and the more that they consume, the better they feel about what they’re getting into, right, like what car they’re buying, you know, the people that they’re working with.nnnn