
How the NIADA Membership is Handling Inventory Acquisition & Sales


Sean : nAnd I think the industry is in a major paradigm shift right now. You know, the demand for US inventory has never been more competitive. I mean, it’s still the auction prices and trade values that continue to amaze me. And well, I guess I’d be curious to know, how is your membership base, the, you know, the entire community handling the incredibly competitive challenge of inventory acquisition right now.n

nBob :nIt’s a challenge. It’s it’s easy thing. But it’s still a challenge. And as I said earlier, they’re going farther afield. But the other thing that’s changing in the marketplace, is we have come to expect Amazon service, Google speed and Apple design in everything we do. People don’t want to spend all day at the dealership, they want that simple Amazon buying experience. They want something fast, convenient and friendly. And that’s a major paradigm shift for the auto industry. But if we’re going if our independence and our franchise dealers are going to compete with major companies that have huge amounts of money behind them to make the experience easier and simpler. Our folks are going to have to do the same thing.n

nSean : nSo it’s about the handshake, right? And the relationship and the serviceu20262n

nBob :nBut you canu2019t ignore reality. And the reality is, you know, just, have you bought something on Amazon today? n

nSean : nI have, yesterday. It was only today. n

nBob :nWhy? Because it’s so easy, convenient. We want that in everything we buy right now.nn