Motivator Minute: Discover Purpose in What You Do!
Sean Kelley : nIf you’re feeling a little unmotivated it could be because you’re doing everything for you. As humans, everything we do is based around the universal principle of wisdom or what’s in it for me. And even people that work for pennies on the dollar, let’s say at a nonprofit, compared to what they might be able to make in the same role at a corporation are doing, maybe you’re doing what they’re doing because it makes them feel fulfilled. They’re passionate about the cause.n
nThat’s one of the reasons why people who do give back in that way feel more fulfilled. And someone punching an hourly clock working to get themselves a paycheck, might feel less motivated, unfulfilled. It’s the difference between pleasure, passion and purpose. You see, pleasure is extremely short lived, the reward is fleeting. Passion is when you get to do something that you are great at and you love doing it. But when you center your actions and behaviors and efforts around doing things for others, its purpose and this is extremely gratifying and satisfying, both in the long and short term. And when you’re doing that, while doing something you love, you can get paid for it. Now you have purpose, and I suggest any professional feels unmotivated or maybe a little bit lost where they’re at in their career, to try to rediscover purpose in what you do.
nThat’s one of the reasons why people who do give back in that way feel more fulfilled. And someone punching an hourly clock working to get themselves a paycheck, might feel less motivated, unfulfilled. It’s the difference between pleasure, passion and purpose. You see, pleasure is extremely short lived, the reward is fleeting. Passion is when you get to do something that you are great at and you love doing it. But when you center your actions and behaviors and efforts around doing things for others, its purpose and this is extremely gratifying and satisfying, both in the long and short term. And when you’re doing that, while doing something you love, you can get paid for it. Now you have purpose, and I suggest any professional feels unmotivated or maybe a little bit lost where they’re at in their career, to try to rediscover purpose in what you do.