
Sean Kelley MOPAR Alignment to the Direction of the Company


Sean Kelley MOPAR Alignment to the Direction of the Company

Let’s talk about alignment to the direction of the company. So, as it relates to the direction of the company, what most people do, and we’ve all been guilty of this at times, I started doing activities, you know, I fire up the crowd, and we’re led to doing something, and then practice makes permanent. So those activities become my behaviors, my habits and my results. And then my results, even my destination, it would kind of be like doing business. So it’s kind of like, if you were going to go on vacation, you decided to go on vacation, like, let’s just get in our car and start driving and see if we end up somewhere cool. You might end up somewhere else like Florida, you could end up in Ferguson. The point is you have this way of doing things, and people that come to work think that it doesn’t matter if you’re a player, you could have a top performing shop or parts department in the country. But if you’re coming to work, and you’re just doing stuff, are you really growing, you’re living inside your comfort zone. 

So what are the high performers that stretch their comfort zone? By the way, you guys heard this? Growth doesn’t happen inside your what? Growth was not happening here. So if you’re just doing this, you’re living in your comfort zone and can’t grow. So what do high performers do to grow? They are going to say, hey, here’s the destination. Here’s the vision I want to create. This is how I want my shop to look in three years. How many more bays are we going to need, how much more revenue regenerating, what sort of management team we’re going to need to step up in order to build this vision for success. 

You crystallize their vision for success, one that you’re excited about. And then you bring your team and all, you get them involved in building this vision. And then you set goals and benchmarks to accomplish that. And then you figure out what behaviors need to become part of the day to day routine for each person on the team. And then you figure out what action you need to take. And even if you’re a player, and you’re already kicking butt, I promise you there’s a whole other tier, because even Michael Jordan was a player, he had a coach on the sideline, watching him play the game, challenging him to be better. 

So if you create this vision, and you challenge your team to help to move toward that, now you’re stretching your comfort zone. And that’s where you get your growth. And then you take this to your employees, and they start thinking, Hey, I’d like to be the new extra manager. I’d like to get a promotion. And how do people come to work? When they feel like there’s a chance that they can move up in their company and get a promotion? 

Yesterday I was having amazing conversations with a lot of you guys here. A lot of the area managers here yesterday, two different service managers, and I asked them how long have you been at your dealership and how to get up there, and stuff like that. 2 people in a row told me, ”Well, I actually was a service advisor stuck in my career and I couldn’t move up, and I ended up seeing a job ad for a service manager online, and went in there and said and that’s how I became a service manager. And I asked him the same question. If you could, at your last job, you felt like you couldn’t move up, if you were being developed, would you have stayed there? And guess what they told me? Yes, yes, absolutely. So create that vision and figure out how everyone on your team wants to fit into that vision!

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