And as it relates to expectations, this is critical if you consider yourself a leader, expectations are a two way street, okay? Expectations are two ways to what I often find in business is expectations only go one way they flow downward, right?. So employees know, you got to be here at work at a certain time and they better get this much gross or whatever this much hours per RO are, or they’re gonna get fired. But then if you ask the managers, what do your people expect from you, what are their expectations from you (their manager)? It’s like, do we know? So no one’s expectations are too extreme, I will play a little game on this. So you guys can kind of see how this goes out when you don’t know your people’s expectations. So I’m gonna ask you guys this one question. If you weren’t meeting standards, if you were the employee who, you know, wasn’t getting the job done, so to speak, that people were scared to come up to and communicate with, let’s say, you were that guy? How would you want your boss, your dealer to hold you accountable? How would you want them to address it with their discussion?
You can make a positive, individualized one on one and very direct. Okay. Out of curiosity, does anyone here have a totally different answer for this question? Anyone here like “just tell me” even when you’re in the meeting? Just tell me the answer and I’ll train everyone. Okay, got a couple of hand raises back there. So the last group was much more split. Who has their hand up, who said yeah,” just tell me straight up!”. I’m here if it’s in front of people. Now, what if you were his boss? Or what happened? e. And that’s the thing when we learned about the expectations of our people, we have all these miscommunication. There’s this thing called the golden rule. We’ve all heard about it, right?
It relates to leadership or something even better, and it’s the platinum rule. Treat others the way they want to be treated. So as a leader, if we learn our people’s action, the individual on our team’s expectation, and yes, it’s not easy to learn everyone’s expectations when you’re deploying direct reports. And then yes, you’re gonna find that they’re all different. And then you’re gonna be like, holy cow, I really have to tailor this and you’re gonna screw up. Okay, you can’t get it right perfectly all the time, because you’re human. And that’s okay. You’re a leader, you don’t have to be perfect. But by trying to meet their expectations, how does that make your people feel about you as a leader? And they know you care. And then when you mess up, you’re gonna apologize for it. I do have times that I screw up but I always apologize when I do. Right? So how can we build this essential culture of success? First off, giving positive, caring, impactful communication, that’s number one. Using that recruitment, second approach to creating a vision for success, including your team and building that vision, finding out how they will fit in. Great, clarify benchmarks, dabbles and expectations. And remember to always learn, learn your people’s expectations is just as important if you can, and fourth, we’re gonna we’re going to double click on showing your employees how much you value them.