So those are four ways. Let’s double click on each line. I’m gonna give you guys some of my favorite tools in my tool belt for each one of these areas. So first is communication, recruitment statement, okay? In the first five seconds of any engagement, people pick a side, they’re gonna battle because they feel like they’re being attacked, and they put up their defenses, or they’re going to join your cause to achieve a common objective.
And that’s why I call it a recruitment statement. How do we build an army? We can’t lead a war with a one woman, one man army. So how do we build one? We got to recruit people to our side, that way, we’re, we’re aligned around a common objective. So I’m gonna teach you guys how to do this. Let’s come up with a real world example.
I need you guys to think of one person that you need to have a difficult conversation with, whether it’s performance, somebody on your team that you need to have a coach and guide you to help them improve their performance or, or something along those lines. And you don’t have to say their name. Okay. What’s your name? John. John. Okay, John, thank you for sharing. John, what’s the situation?
John: I actually got a group later in the show, great worker, a lot of a lot of attributes, but very condescending. People around, we’re kind of getting tired. He’s condescending to everybody even when he’s helping them. People still want to talk to him from time to time, because it’s time to say, Okay, have the same Yeah. Okay. Good, well, okay.
This is great. All right. We’re just gonna, let’s, let’s hash it out right now. Alright, so that’s real common setting, and what’s the negative outcome this is creating for them. I’m gonna teach you guys how to craft a recruitment statement to get buy-in from their service advisors.
John: And they’ll have a situation that he is involved in and to expedite or repair or take care of us or whatever, they’ll come to myself or to my service manager and say, “listen, can you take this and I don’t want to talk to… it just, it’s a breakdown of communication, the people employed, don’t want to communicate on that level.
Sean: Okay, so it’s hurting. What is that costing him?
John: Well, it’s actually starting to jeopardize his position like he’s
Sean: Okay. And now the par for the course approach, not to say you would do this, okay, but would be like, Hey, man, you’re being a jerk to people, no one wants to talk to you, and you’re gonna get fired? How? What’s gonna happen? Right? Putting up the defenses right? Well work. So we gotta get by, and we need to. So here’s what you do: you take all the negative outcomes, and you flip it on its head? What’s with? And what’s in it for me? If I was him, Okay, what’s the “with” then? If he changes his ways, what positive outcome would be created?
John: Probably have less stress, because he stresses himself out, really.
Sean: So okay, so less stress, more enjoyable work. Also, you mentioned that you would get to keep his job long term. So all you do is you take the negative outcomes, you say, what’s the, if they change? What would they gain? Okay? And then you add “what I want for you to the front”, write this down. So what I want for you is that, what I want for you is you( take the negative outcomes) and ask them, if they changed, what would they get out of it? What’s the positive outcome? Add, what I want for you to the front of it, and then to the back, and, “ is now a good time to talk about this”. So a recruitment statement for this local (call him Bob), recruitment, saying for Bob would be, “Bob, what I want for you is that you’re able to keep your job here long term. And I want for you to have less stress, enjoy coming to work even more, and remain on the scene long term. So you see what is now a good time to talk about somebody to help you accomplish that.”
What’s going to happen to him versus the other way. So now Bob knows that I have his best interests at heart and I care about helping him accomplish something that he would want. And now, let’s talk about those difficult conversations. Because you give them the gift of your positive intent. Your communication becomes more direct and positive and impactful, and he’s alive. So now you get listening right out of the gate.