Trent Broberg – the Future of Automotive Logistics Based on the Current Economy
Kelly : Crystal Ball time as we wind down our podcast with Mr. Trent Broberg. In what way do you see the vehicle transport business heading at the current pace of inflation? We alluded to it and clear cut government incentives to eliminate fossil fuels and get vehicles off the road. So the question is, how carefully do you watch the news?n
nTrent : Very carefully. I am anybody that knows me. I’m a big reader and, and I try to digest as much as I’ll use air Sheriff air quotes your pop culture as possible. With news these days. You know, there’s a big transition to EVs. Right? The administration has some targets out there for EVs that creates challenges and logistics, because they’re heavier. It also, you know, the average electronic vehicle has a battery depletion of 4% per day. So if you’re moving those across the US storing them, you’ve got to have solutions. So we’ve invested in infrastructure to do the charging and so forth. And then and then if you start looking at the class eight trucks that are actually doing these these types of moves. You know, I think that’s going to be a laggard, right. That’s going to be a long term approach is you’ve got trade cycles on on carriers and in you know, most of these carriers that are have trucks paid off, their likelihood of of going in adopting an Eevee is probably pretty, pretty small with the infrastructure we have today because the infrastructure needs to catch up.n
nTrent : Very carefully. I am anybody that knows me. I’m a big reader and, and I try to digest as much as I’ll use air Sheriff air quotes your pop culture as possible. With news these days. You know, there’s a big transition to EVs. Right? The administration has some targets out there for EVs that creates challenges and logistics, because they’re heavier. It also, you know, the average electronic vehicle has a battery depletion of 4% per day. So if you’re moving those across the US storing them, you’ve got to have solutions. So we’ve invested in infrastructure to do the charging and so forth. And then and then if you start looking at the class eight trucks that are actually doing these these types of moves. You know, I think that’s going to be a laggard, right. That’s going to be a long term approach is you’ve got trade cycles on on carriers and in you know, most of these carriers that are have trucks paid off, their likelihood of of going in adopting an Eevee is probably pretty, pretty small with the infrastructure we have today because the infrastructure needs to catch up.n