What Does Dealer OMG’s Perfect Client Look Like?
Chas : In your field of work, what does your perfect client really look like? And who needs you the most? And why is that? n
nDavid : A great question. I mean with so, you know, we’re 100% Social media, we’re 100% Facebook advertising. You know, it’s unlike a lot of vendors in the space, we don’t do 25 things, we literally just do that one thing. Because of that, there’s not a dealer out there that doesn’t need Facebook advertising in some capacity. Facebook advertising is so unique because it can accomplish so many things on relatively small spends too. And so for me, I think my ideal client is somebody that can understand the value of advertising beyond, hey, I turned you guys on Tuesday, and it’s Thursday, and my phones aren’t ringing more. Cuz that’s just not..n
nSo the dealers that have a better holistic understanding that, I get it, you’re a dealership you live month to month, every 30 days, your world ends and starts afresh. Advertising doesn’t work like that. And so my ideal client is a dealer that gets that we’re gonna run things that have a six month window of when that payoff is going to happen. We’re going to run things that have a lifetime payoff, you know, in that brand play and things like that. n
nSo working with dealers that have that understanding makes a huge difference. And I will say, the consistent thing with dealerships that have a dedicated person for marketing or for digital marketing, specifically, that it’s not the GM, it’s not the GSM who has their own goals and their own motivations. It’s somebody that is truly dedicated to understanding and, you know, kind of appraising their digital marketing efforts. When you have that it makes everything easier. It just makes everything simpler because they get itnn
nDavid : A great question. I mean with so, you know, we’re 100% Social media, we’re 100% Facebook advertising. You know, it’s unlike a lot of vendors in the space, we don’t do 25 things, we literally just do that one thing. Because of that, there’s not a dealer out there that doesn’t need Facebook advertising in some capacity. Facebook advertising is so unique because it can accomplish so many things on relatively small spends too. And so for me, I think my ideal client is somebody that can understand the value of advertising beyond, hey, I turned you guys on Tuesday, and it’s Thursday, and my phones aren’t ringing more. Cuz that’s just not..n
nSo the dealers that have a better holistic understanding that, I get it, you’re a dealership you live month to month, every 30 days, your world ends and starts afresh. Advertising doesn’t work like that. And so my ideal client is a dealer that gets that we’re gonna run things that have a six month window of when that payoff is going to happen. We’re going to run things that have a lifetime payoff, you know, in that brand play and things like that. n
nSo working with dealers that have that understanding makes a huge difference. And I will say, the consistent thing with dealerships that have a dedicated person for marketing or for digital marketing, specifically, that it’s not the GM, it’s not the GSM who has their own goals and their own motivations. It’s somebody that is truly dedicated to understanding and, you know, kind of appraising their digital marketing efforts. When you have that it makes everything easier. It just makes everything simpler because they get itnn