
What Makes the NAIDA Special


Sean : Let’s talk a little bit more about the NADA body as a whole, how big exactly is the membership body? And how many total independent dealers are there in America right now?n

nBob : We have 16,000. Members. We have 33 state associations that are affiliated with us. You know, the market. The market, there’s a lot of estimates about the market. We still see plenty of room to grow as an association. And we see plenty of opportunities. We know new Dealers are coming in. We know it’s a very healthy market, New Dealers come in. Dealers retire.n

nSean : Yeah, it’s interesting seeing the dealer base owned by maybe some baby boomers, the baby boomer generation that’s been selling off. There’s been a lot of dealership transactions lately. Have you been seeing that in the independent realm as well?n

nBob : Yeah, yes, we have and in generational changes. I was just at our South Carolina affiliates meeting where their new board leader is the third generation from his family to be president of the board. Which is very, a very cool thing and very rare in the association world. What’s the agenda of the next three generations so committed to an industry and an association that for three generations, they had the chief elected officer position? n

nSean : Wow, that’s pretty cool. That takes so much involvement. One of my dealers has been on the Missouri automotive, nada, Missouri Automobile Dealers Association board, and has been the president. And it’s amazing how dedicated people like you and like your third generation dealers are to the entire dealer community. What do you think? What are your favorite benefits? I guess that the entrepreneurs, the dealers are part of the NIADA that they receive from being in that community.n

nBob : It’s that interconnectedness. It’s knowing that there are people just like you who want to do the right thing. And people who are willing to help you, even if you’re right next door, and you’re competing. I heard the story last night of a dealer whose DMS crashed and they couldn’t do contracts. And so they called somebody and they said, You know what, just send all the information over here. We’ll put your name on it. Change our contracts to your name, and we’ll get them and send them right back to you so you can get to those deals. That’s what it’s about. It’s about good dealers helping each other be better,nn